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*** Due to spam that I am not able to stop, I have disabled this guestbook. Please drop me a personal note to let me know you have been here or any comments you have via the "Contact" tab above.

Thanks... Floyd


Posted by Carol Blaschke on
It appears that you have changed your website. I was looking for the Kluth side to bring it up do date, but I can't located it. Can you tell me where to find it?

Thanks, Carol Blaschke
Posted by Melissa VanRaden on
Dear Floyd,
I'm trying to get a family tree starting with Hermann Bruno Paenitz and Mary Emma Belz Paenitz with their children Grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Please send me a copy !
Melissa K.Paenitz VanRaden
Posted by Cart Michael Williams Shuck on
Great to see you're still a' goin'! All is good in Kansas...same o' same o' .... I think of you often. Was good to meet you. Mike "Cart Williams" Shuck. Chuse! Auf wiedersehen!
Posted by Zenon on
Hallo Floyd,
habe soeben zum ersten Mal dein Page gesehen. Toll.
Da kann man ganz schön viel erfahren über dich und deine Familie.

Liebe Grüße aus München Zenon
Posted by Junior on
Lindo y adventista...lo siento que eres casado..
Posted by clifton belz on
Posted by Lillian Schievelbein Conrey on
Gotthilf & Henriette are my great grandparents. If I can help you with this website, I will be glad to. There are a lot of us out here!! Lil
Posted by Mary (nee Neuse) Bond on
Good for you -I traced the Neuse (my maiden name) BACK TO THE 13OOs. I am very proud of my German ancestry. If I can help you let me hear from you. I have a lot of genealogy on many German families.In my own personel opinion it was the hard working early Germans who contributed to the success of this country. For more than 20 years I wrote a weekly genealogical column in an area newspaper (Seguin Gazette, Seguin, Tx) - Adam Neuse, my ancestor,came from Germany in the mid 1800s to Texas.There are many descendants. The late Mr. Oscar Haas wrote fine book on the early Germans from this part of Texas. Sincerely, Mary C. Bond
Posted by Don Magnuson on

As you know, we are a close genetic match, our Y-DNA indicates we are Haplogroup I1.

My detailed Y-DNA is public and can be accessed on YSEARCH.ORG, my ID is UNT88.

Now where are those common ancestors?

Posted by Georgia Wright on
(Anna) Ida Marie Friederike Wihelmine SCHIEVELBEIN b: 21 Nov 1857, d: 1895
.................. + Dietrich Kropp

Story is that Dietrich left Frederick (Fritz) Schievelbein's sister which must be Anna. I believe this was in Iowa and Fritz brought her and her child with them to SD. He did have another family in Minnesota so we aren't sure if they were married/divorced or had a child out of wedlock.
My connection is with my grandmother was a Wiese and married George Bunning, Jr.
You have so much information. This is so fascinating. I hope this is our line but it looks like everyone came through Texas. Our family came through NY to Iowa.

Thanks again. Georgia Wright
Posted by Stefanie Sch ievelbein on
Hello Floyd,
it's great to see that you make such an effort! I come from the Schievelbein side, but I don't know if any of my relatives ever came to USA. I know more about the other side, the parents of my grandmother, named Thiel, Pieper, Gärtner, Stegmann (they all were from Neustettin, Pommern).

The grandfather of my grandfather was Peter Schievelbein and he was a teacher in Neustettin (today Szczecinek). I don't know his data, but I think he was born ca. 1850.

Surely we are related in some way ;)

Viele Grüße von deiner "Familie" aus Deutschland,
Steffi (Stefanie)
Posted by Vernell Schievelbein on
Floyd you are amazing and I am so thankful for the info that you have provided regarding our Schievelbein heritage. Keep up the good work!
Posted by Brendon on
I am in my first week of a web design course and I'm doing research on different personal sites as my homework. I like your site better than the others I have seen.

I do have one suggestion. Allow people that post to receive an email when other posts are added after theirs. It could provide a previously undiscovered link in your genealogy project if someone recognizes the names being thrown out by random users.
Posted by Karrin Gilmer on
Vera Vorpahl, married to Robert Gilmer, was my grandmother. My father is William Lee Gilmer. I have tried finding things about the Vorpahls' and Gilmers' on my own but it has been hard since I do not know have very much information about my father or his family. Thanks to your hard work I now know more about my german heritage.
Posted by John on
Thanks for the work you have done. I am connected through the my grand parents - Ernest Schieffelbein and Emma Muske. Wilhelmine was my great grandmother. When younger (60 yrs now) I carried on the genes of red hair from Emma. My father was Carl. He died a couple years ago. As he was the youngest. Had two bio. sisters. The oldest was Elsie King who lived in Des Moines, Iowa most of her life. The other was Herta Worth who lived in the Mora Minn. area. Both deceased.
As Ernst and Emma wanted to start a new life here in the States they really did not pass on much family history from Germany. Plus, Ernst died when my dad Carl was about twelve years old.
I had a sister Marge (deceased age 48 years) cancer. My brother lives in Georgia and is 70yrs old.

Again, Thanks, every little bit of info. seems to help. John Schieffelbein
Posted by John on
I hope this infor. may help, recognizing my Schieffelbein side may be a different part of the tree.
Posted by Andrea Koepp on
Hallo Floyd,

tolle Seite. Wir sind die Nachkommen von Wilhelm Koepp,
geb. 30.8.1844 od. 1843 Birkholz und der Elisabeth Maria Lemke, geb. 9.11.1858 Dramburg. Ihr Sohn Wilhelm Daniel, geb. 24.4.1878
in Friedrichsdorf wanderte 1904 nach Deutsch Suedwest Afrika (Namibia)aus. Wilhelm's Bruder war August Friedrich Koepp, geb.1.5.1837, Birkholz, der 1881 in die USA auswanderte.
Wilhelm's, 1844 und August's, 1837 Eltern hiessen:
Friedrich Koepp, geb. 1.8.1819 und Johanna Charlotte Mielke, geb.1.7.1822. Habe auch schon einiges ueber unsere Familie ueber
Thomas Franklin Keyser's Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site erfahren. Irgendwie gehoeren wir auch zu diesem ganzen Familienstammbaum aus Pommern. Ihr findet auch viel in der bzw.
Gruss aus Namibia
Posted by Gail Waiters on

You may not remember me, but I am the person that emailed you in 2005 after viewing your website about O'Daniel, Texas. I am so glad that I downloaded the information because I see it has now disappeared. I am still working on my family roots, but am stuck at my great, great, grandfather Gilbert who apparently "disappeared" between 1870 and 1880. He is the father of Hopson Pink Waiters (my great grandfather) who lived near your family. I am just writing to say hi and to congratulate you on a great looking new webpage. It gives me some ideas.

Take care and God Bless,

Gail Waiters
Posted by Kathleen Ross on
Hi Floyd,

You've got a great site. August Friedrich Christian Brietzke was my gg-grandfather on my mother’s side. I have little information about his ancestors, but I do have information on his descendants. Would be happy to share if you need anything.

Happy Hunting,
Posted by Andy Vorpahl on

Great seeing you. Just wanted to thank you for all your work setting up the fantastic website. Your O'Daniel story was well written and interesting. Wish my parents were around to read it. You should write a book - you have the gift.


Andy Vorpahl
Posted by Walter & Karen Germer on
My husband Walter is the grandson of Fritz and Ida (Vorpahl) Germer. We are located in the Portland area of Oregon.
This is my second day of looking for family history on the Germer side of the family. Your website is filled with amazing information! We are so thankful for your research and your web page.
Louis Rudolph Otto Strey (1875-1913); my great grandfather, was a brother to Henrietta Bertha "Bettie" Strey who was married to Karl Friedrich Gustav Achterberg (your great grandparents).
Posted by Neal Monter on
Maybe get to contact you when I'm in town on my travels and grab a cup of coffee with you. Good work.
Posted by Christine Herring on
I live in Kansas and my Grandpa was born in Baumgarten, Kreis Dramburg, Pommern. My children and I were still born in Germany.
Nice to know other families came from over there too.
Posted by Christine Herring on
Hey I found your website. Cool. Your research is amazing. I live by the way in SW Kansas. It was my Opa who was from Baumgarten.
Posted by Linda on
Hi Floyd,

I have your family history. You have put a lot of time into it. I hope the informatio on the Bloch family is helpful to you. I will be sending you a hard copy threw the mail. Is there any way you can send me a hard copy of what you have? Thanks again.. I will talk to soon.

Linda Adams
Posted by janet wendland on
Researching the christoff schievelbein line for kfj wendland...some good info from you. Do you have any more photos of the kfj line?
Posted by Charyl Peifer on
Hi. I came across your research tonight and I am very impressed. I am from the second set on your pages, the Kropp, Bunning, Voelker set of people about 3 more generations out. I know that my Grandpa (Walter Kropp) was related to the Scheiflbeins some how... I read in the comments that there are actually 2 families from Dietrich Kropp, one in Minn and one in SD. I have heard that for several years too. I am not sure of the 2nd woman's name tho. I can fill in names and dates of my family if you want that info.
Posted by Connie Schraub Terry on
Great info on O'Daniel! My grandfather, Harry Schraub Sr. was born there in 1902. Thanks for all of your genealogical work!
Posted by Amy Brietzke on
My dad was Harry Brietzke, his father was Julius Brietzke... think the great grandfather was August? I am 64 years and this is the MOST info I have seen on the Brietzke family... my entire life. Great job!

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